What is the Mommy Makeover?

Many women go through physical as well as emotional changes with pregnancy and becoming a mom.  Emotional changes prepare women for the responsibilities of becoming a mother.  Physical changes usually evidence that the woman is a mother, but there is no reason to let this be so visible.

The main concerns most mothers have is sagging both of the skin on the abdomen and the breasts.  Some of course add a few extra pounds of fat left after pregnancy.  As bothersome as it is, it is also a problem that can be solved.   Both conditions have a surgical solution.

The excess skin and fat on the abdominal wall can be minimized with a tummy tuck or abdominoplasty.  This is the resection of both tissues by surgical resection.  It involves an incision that is placed just above the pubic area, from one side to the other of the body, which can be hidden by undergarments or bathing suit.  This procedure also strengthens or tightens the abdominal muscles when needed.  Finer details are obtained with liposuction for contouring the immediate area.

The breasts, on the other hand, some times need a lift, other times need an augmentation, and others, will benefit from a combination of both.  After breastfeeding, some women end up having a very flat chest, when they loose the volume of their breasts.  Others just have an important amount of sagging of the breast.  If you lost volume, but are not sagging, the procedure that you will benefit from is the breast augmentation or placement of breast implants to restore volume.  If you have saggy breasts, you will benefit from a different procedure, a breast lift.  This procedure lifts the breast, but still keeps the woman´s own breast tissue.  In other cases, there is a combination of sagging and loss of volume, so a breast lift with the placement of implants would be best, to restore volume and reposition the breast.

Both of these, abdominal and breast surgeries, are procedures performed under general anesthesia.  They can be performed as an outpatient or with a one-night hospital stay.  Recovery is about 10 to 12 days; a month before restarting exercises.  Also, very common procedures after weight loss, or just simply the passing of time.

Many moms take advantage of their recovery time and postoperative visits for facial rejuvenation and other minimally invasive medial aesthetic procedures as well as dental work.

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